What Are The Benefits Of Cloud ERP Software

Enterprise Resource Planning systems have changed a great deal over the years. Since cloud-based services have gained popularity, enterprise hosted solutions have had a high adoption rate. Although it is still a relatively new technology, cloud solutions are considered to be the way forward for enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementations. There are many advantages to using hosted ERP software over a traditional solution, and in this article we will take a look at the benefits of cloud ERP software.

Cloud-based ERP solutions take the hassle out of installing and maintaining servers. Essentially, what this means is that all non-core responsibilities are shifted over to the vendor. The client simply has to purchase subscription-based hosted software and transfer their data to the servers owned by the service provider. Although installation charges still incur, the price you pay for installation is a worthwhile investment and is usually less than what you would pay for an on-site server installation. Hosted ERP software eliminates the need to purchase expensive software and hardware, allowing employees to shift their focus solely on doing their job, rather than maintaining software.


The high level of accessibility provided by hosted ERP is unmatched by traditional solutions. The hosted software can be viewed through any web-browser, which means you can access it on mobile devices, as well. This is particularly useful for companies who have branches located in different countries around the world as the physical location of the client has no impact on their access to the software. A hosted ERP solution would be highly beneficial for large scale businesses as it is significantly cheaper to purchase a hosted ERP solution over traditional methods for businesses that have venues located in different countries.

The heightened level of security provided by a hosted ERP solution is another advantage of switching to a cloud-based solution. While there is a risk involved in handing over control of your data to a 3rd party, the level of security provided by cloud-based solutions is higher than a traditional solution, as data centres are much more secure than an on-site server. Additionally, a cloud-based infrastructure can provide increased uptimes as computing power is more efficiently utilised in the data centre. Also, since automatic upgrades are included in most hosted software plans, your data is automatically backed up on a regular basis, which means your data can be easily restored in the case of a disaster.

There is no doubt that there are a few distinct advantage in running an on-premises IT infrastructure. You keep full control over your data and how it is managed. But, the costs and inconveniences associated with installing and maintaining your own server can be eliminated by switching to a cloud-based solution. Also, IT system maintenance employees are no longer needed when you do not run an on-site server as all IT infrastructure responsibilities are transferred to the vendor. In the case of something going wrong, the vendor is often better equipped to handle the situation than you would be if the responsibility of handling problems lay in your hands.

Overall, a hosted ERP solution significantly reduces costs and allows businesses to function more efficiently. Cloud-based solutions enable companies to reduce IT staff as the responsibilities associated with maintaining an IT infrastructure are handed over to the vendor. The convenience of having the power to customise and access hosted server tools from any mobile device allow employees to perform in their job without any hassles. In conclusion, it would be highly beneficial to start looking for a cloud-based ERP solution as the advantages offered by hosted software cannot be overlooked.

This is a contributed article from guest writer David Veibl. David is guest blogging for Cloudspring, a great source of news and reviews of cloud hosting and management services. Check their website’s business section at: http://cloudspring.com/category/business/

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