The World of Facebook – A Short Story

The creator of facebook Mark Zuckerberg would not have even imagined that one day Facebook will become the third largest nation after China and India with More than 500 million plus active users all around the globe. Today is has become the seconds home for people where they can meet there loved ones (Friends and Family). In general people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. According to a survey an average user has some what nearly 100- 130 friends.

1. Activities on facebook

It has over 900 million things (Objects) for interaction for people (pages, groups, events and community pages). All these objects create a counter communication channel along with participation of masses. An average users total activities count to 80 objects roughly i.e. community pages, groups and events and an average user creates 90 section of content in a month. One of the best parts of facebook is sharing people across the globe share more than 30 billion pieces of content that can be in any form (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.).

Gaming is one of the best activities for pass time that people like to do to spend there ideal time. There are wide ranges of games that run on facebook. Facebook has more than 200 million users playing games on it every month. Facebook games are easy user friendly and sharable, these are the most prominent features for there popularity.

Global Reach

Facebook offers 70 plus on site translations. More than 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States that’s a real big ratio to show its global strength. Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application.clip_image0024-4471716

2. Platform

Entrepreneurs and developers from all across the globe build with Facebook Platform. Every day 20 million applications are installed Facebook every day.Every month, more than 250 million people engage with Facebook on external websites. Since the launch of social plugins in April 2010, an average of 10,000 new websites integrate with Facebook every day this is not the end of list more than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, including over 80 of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and over half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites

3. Mobile Users

Today there are more than 200 million active users that access facebook via mobile only thus showing its popularity among people. Well people accessing facebook via mobile are more active than there counterparts i.e. computer users. In more than 60 plus countries numerous mobile operators use facebook to promote there products.

It is one of the greatest platforms ever created on web till date this is not the end as it has to cover many more milestones and prepare it self to live up to the expectations of the masses.

Via : Facebook press room

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