Preface to the Interactive IDE for Programming-Light Table

With dramatic shift towards generalization in the software interfaces being developed, the world of web development tools goes on shrinking our workspace environment with one feature after another in each release. With all these tasks at the head dump, web developers are juggled in the world of files and are forced to organize them. Interactive IDE

Have you ever wondered why are we still searching all through the place for the things that we actually need when we are coding? Have you ever thought why everything is static? This is the thought that paved for the development of the Light Table IDE which provides instant feedback and will help you observe the changes that can have an effect on the entire system.

If you are keen on modifying the already running programs or would like to embed something from website to games then this novel interactive IDE Light Table by Chris Granger is for you. This IDE provides real time feedback that is needed for not only answering questions about the code but as well helps you understand how the program actually functions.

Requirements: –
License: GPL License

Guiding Principles of Light Table:

  • Files are just means of convenient serialization and not the best way to represent your code.
  • When using Light Table IDE you will never ever have to look for documentation.
  • You can shine a little light on related code bits.
  • Editors in Light Table IDE can be present anywhere and will show you anything not merely text.
  • Light Table IDE encourages trying and these changes produce instant results.
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