Importance of website design in online branding

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” Jeff Bezos

Successful branding is the most important aspect of your business. In order to make your brand outstanding from the competitors, it is important that you create a well thought online brand that can attract the customers. The business world has faced many changes over the last decade, intangible things are more important than the tangible presence.


Due to the internet rules and the digital era, the foremost challenge a business faces today is to make itself outstanding from the clutter. The key to success is to develop an attractive online presence that creates a good impression on the first-time user and continue to engage and reward the long-time customers.
There are many factors that help a business to develop a successful online branding; well designed website, active social presence, quick response to consumer, last but not the least strong brand elements.

The importance of website design is good for an online presence as same as oxygen for our body. Like our body cannot survive without oxygen, a business cannot develop a successful online brand without a well designed website.
Some factors that can help a business to develop a creative website are discussed below:

1.Simplicity is the Key to Success

If your website is user-friendly, you can assume that you achieved 50% of the success. The key to a well designed website is the user can find what he is looking for quickly and easily.

2.Develop a Unique Design

A well designed website tends to attract greater number of customers. Develop your website after a detailed thought process. Dan Schawbel states: “What makes you weird, makes you unique and therefore makes you stand out.” A simple and typical design might mix your website with the rest of the competitor’s websites and the user won’t find it attractive enough to click upon it. One of the major factors of a good website design is that the user finds what he is looking for quickly. If your website is designed in way that the important things are difficult to

find, the user might get frustrated and click another site.

3.Make it Organized
Organizing your website is as important as building one. Every element of your website is critical hence must be added and placed in a proper way. A website should be a walk in the park for a visitor and that every field of the website must have a logical pattern to it. When a user clicks your website, the design should be so attractive that it tempts him to stay on the website.

4.It must be Eye Catching
The internet is all about visuals, it is important that your website is a perfect combination of web content and design. To add to the design of the website, without over doing it, you have various options available such as slideshows, banners, photo galleries and of course YouTube videos. Although website design is of great importance but the focus of website should not sway from the message or scope.

The Impact of a Good Web Design to your Business
Your website is the face of your business on the internet, you customers to know you in the first look so every element of the web design matters from colors a single element to images and videos. It is a known fact that a website with attractive design features will attract more traffic. Your customers will judge you from the quality of your website, only then will they be encouraged to spend their hard earned money to buy your products or services.

A website should be portal between you and your customers, a well-planned and designed website will make sure that the visitor not only visits the websites but also gets involved by becoming a customer or at least by giving a feedback.

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Linda Wade is a professional content writer from Chicago, IL. As she is a tec lover, she has excellent command of writing articles and blogs on information technology. Currently she is content manager in Techzo Store, a leading digital products agency in Chicago that offers basic wordpress website development, web design, social media marketing, seo, mobile app development and much more.

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