Haven’t Validated Your HTML Yet? Here’s Why

Everyone knows that HTML is used for designing websites, but not all webmasters bother to validate them. This is unfortunate because there are benefits to having the code validated. Here are 5 reasons for validating your HTML. Some resources are also provided below.

1. Browser Compatibility

HTML codes that haven’t been validated may run properly for a while. But problems may crop up when a browser releases an update or require you to upgrade to the newest version. Unless the code is validated, your website won’t appear correctly. If your website is not displayed correctly, people will shy away from it. The fact is that even the smallest errors can lead to all sorts of problems.

2. for Simpler Maintenance

Site maintenance is simplified because the codes can be recognized easily, making it easy to use the file later on. This is something that all webmasters have to do. A website is never completely finished; you have to update the contents and check for any security leaks or errors. Lack of proper maintenance is one of the reasons why some websites are prone to hacking and malware.

3. Makes Debugging Easier

Once the code has been validated, you’ll be able to avoid mistakes and rectify any errors. This is something that you also need to do regularly; otherwise bugs will pop up and lead to glitches.

4. Makes Your Website Professional

This is related to the above; once you detect those errors or prevent them from appearing, your website will appear more polished. Content is very important, but so is the layout of the site; no one will bother to browse your website if there are bugs all around and there are functions that do not work.

5. Indexing in Search Engines

Search engines use spiders to catalogue and index websites and web pages. If there are errors in your code, the spiders won’t be able to index your site properly, dropping your page rankings. In the worst case scenario, you might not even get ranked at all.

Resources for HTML Validation

Now that you know the 5 reasons for validating your HTML, you can use these resources to help you with coding. There are many others out there, but these are among the best and easiest to use.

1. NetMechanic HTML Toolbox

This allows you to locate and fix HTML codes and syntax so your website continues to work properly.

2. Creating Online HTML Source Code Validator

This free tool does exactly what it says; search and fix errors in your HTML code. Even better, the tool will examine your work and offer suggestions.

3. W3C HTML Validation Service

This free utility is used for web document validation in MathML, SMIL, XHTML and HTML. You can also validate by direct input, upload URL.

4. CSE HTML Validator Lite

This is a free code validator and it will ensure that your XHTML and HTML codes are free of errors.

5. Firefox HTML Validator Add-on

As the name makes clear, it is an add-on for Firefox showing any HTML errors on the status bar.

The 5 reasons for validating your HTML pointed above will give you an idea why it is so important. Anyone who wants to get the most out of coding and your website should try them. The resources described are also going to make coding easier.

About Author
Charlie is a free lancer writer of http://www.19216811.net/ and http://www.19216801.org/

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