7 Best in Class CSS Frameworks to Make Wonders

You will not find anything much better than programming nowadays in the modern era of Drupal, WordPress and Joomla powered websites. In this day and age Scripting is pretty easy to be modified and it is possible for all the web developers to finish their projects in Bulk devoid of having to write several lines of HTML code  which took ages in the earlier days. CSS Frameworks

A framework is a standard set of criteria, concepts and practices that is needed for dealing with different types of common problems so that one can use the framework as a reference, approach the problem with the framework and then resolve the issues of similar kind. In web terminology terms   you can define framework as a structured package  of folders and files which consist of a standard set of   JS documents ,CSS and HTML code that one can use to develop websites easily and quickly. CSS frameworks are considered as a foundational base for starting any website.

Most of the websites have a common kind of similar structure and this is because the CSS Frameworks main motto is to provide the web developers with a common standard structure so that the developers need not redo everything straight from the scratch rather they can start reusing the code available within the framework. This is how CSS frameworks seem to save lot of your time and as well development does not require much efforts. In short you can say that with the use of CSs frameworks you need not reinvent the wheel.

CSS frameworks act as a great foundation for all the web development projects. Nevertheless in the world of responsive design these framework seem to have gained wide popularity & CSS frameworks have been the foundations of web projects for many years. However, in the age of responsive design, a framework has even more benefits. A well-built CSS framework or boilerplate can streamline the design process, save huge chunks of development time and ensure your website scales properly on all devices.

CSS Frameworks are generally  classified as Front End CSS Frameworks and Backend CSS Frameworks. The difference between the two kinds of CSS Frameworks is based on the criteria that whether the framework is being used for the logical / application layer or for the presentation layer. One needs to understand that the concept of frameworks is an abstract notion and you can define them as pre prepared standard kits for development. You can apply the concept of CSS Frameworks to various processes that are carried out on the World Wide Web such as the Programming Layer that connects the database to the web content and makes use of the PHP Language and the Designers Layer where the Web Content has to be presented in the form of HTML documents with proper CSS styles so that they can be viewed in a presentable manner in the web browser.


CSS Frameworks can be Backend such as having a collection of files with different libraries to get access to the database , session management and various template structures or they can be Front End which generally contain package structure with standardized HTML , CSS and JS Documents in the form of files and folders. Generally the web developers are mainly concerned about the Front End CSS Frameworks and here is a glance at the basic components of CSS Frameworks :

  • The front end CSS Frameworks have Typography style definitions for HTML definitions.
  • They have a set of CSS Classes which are used for styling various advanced components of the UI.
  • The web developers can position various elements that contribute to website design in a versatile and simple manner just with the help of the in-built CSS source codes used for creating grid.
  • Front End CSS Frameworks provide varying solutions for browser incompatibility  so as to make sure that the website displays just perfect in all the web browsers.

Web Developers and Programmers who make use of the below to seven Cascading Style Sheet Frameworks are going to enjoy speedy web page loads, small file sizes to deal with ,  wide range of extensible plug-in implementation and support together with distinct printable grid sheets that are used for creating various motifs prior to slapping them live in reality.

YUI2 CSS Framework

The Yahoo User Interface 2 consist of several JavaScript Controls and utilities that will be of great help to the front end developers and will help them create a rich user interface


YAML CSS Framework

YAML is the only CSS framework which lets you choose amongst the different layout types such as Fixed, Liquid and Elastic and various measurements such as px and %em


Blueprint CSS Framework

The motto that is broadcasted by the Blueprint community is“Spend your time innovating, not replicating.”


ElasticCSS Framework

Elastic CSS Framework renders support for combining classes that will help you create all kinds of layouts with a group of helper classes  so that one can achieve the complex of the complex tasks with the use of pure CSS such as Vertical-Center , Same-Height and Full-Width


52 Framework

The 52 Framework comes with a set of CSS3 Styles for Rounded Corners , Drop Shadow and the Novel Selector “Selection” so that you can customize text as per your needs


Pure CSS Framework

This framework acts as a base and starting point for all the web applications and websites. This framework looks into all the CSS Works which a website needs devoid of having to make it appear like a cookie-cutter.


LESS Framework

Less Framework is an adaptive grid CSS Framework that is pretty simple and helpful in creating stylish and elegant adaptive websites which will be easily adaptable to the different screen resolutions and  various gadgets such as Tablets, Smartphones , Desktops , iPads …


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