5 Advance WordPress Handy Tips

Ever wanted to be a expert in WordPress or have tried to resolve you basic blog issue? Here’s some nice tips that can really lead to learn cool things about wordpress. You must have some basic editing capability in wordpress and basic know how to PHP to perform below tweaks and home them!

Let us know in a short comment about which one is your favorite !! Want more of cool stuff?? Follow us @facebook @twitter.

1. Show Specific content on Front Page Only

If you want to show some image file, some DIV or any link just on the front page of your blog either in header, footer or in sidebar; Here’s a tweak to do that. Use below PHP tweak

Want to know more about tweak, Go to WordPress support for complete usage guide.

2. Get Custom Field Value

This is very useful thing while you are dealing with thumbnails. You can use WordPress custom fields to get value transfered to your code from post. Many functions are used for same purpose, Best of them are illustrated below:
Function 1

$thumbnail = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'thumb', $single = true);

Now use the variable $thumbnail at any place to echo the value of custom field thumb, you can change the value of preview to your desired one!
Function 2

$image = get_post_custom_values('img');

Same like the above function but this function will return the value in $image array, so you will have to use something like below to get the custom field value:

echo $image[0];

3. Adding some content between posts

Talking about home page, what if you want to place some text, image or some news after 2nd, 3rd or any number of post? Here we have a tweak!! You can use conditional statement(if else) with-in the PHP while loop. Let me show that for you!

Below is the normal PHP loop that you can find in your templates index.php file or default.php

     Not Found 
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