HTML 5 reduces development costs by making precise rules on how to handle all HTML elements, and how to recover from errors. It aims to reduce the need for proprietary plug-in-based rich internet application (RIA) technologies such as Flash, Silverlight, Pivot, and Sun JavaFX.
1. Article
Defines an article block.
2. Aside
Defines sidebar from the page content.
3. Audio
Defines sound content.
4. Canvas
Define graphics.
5. Command
Defines a command.
6. Datagrid
Defines data in a tree-list.
7. Datalist
Defines an autocomplete dropdown list.
8. Details
Defines details of an element.
9. Dialog
Defines a dialog or conversation.
10. Eventsource
Defines a target for events sent by a server.
11. Figure
Defines a group of media content, and their caption.
12. Footer
Defines a footer for a section or page.
13. Header
Defines a header for a section or page.
14. Mark
Defines marked text.
15. Meter
Defines measurement within a predefined range.
16. Nav
Defines navigation links.
17. Output
Defines some types of output.
18. Progress
Defines progress of a task of any kind.
19. Section
Defines a section.
20. Source
Defines media resources.
21. Time
Defines a date/time.
22. Video
Defines a video.
via w3shools