11 easy steps for installing Apache ActiveMQ and configuring it for PHP application

Apache ActiveMQ is one good option for implementing message queue in your PHP application. It can be easily installed on your server and it’s web accessible admin interface really makes administrator’s life easy. It can be easily connected with PHP via STOMP. I will suggesst to use MySql for Data persistance and start ActiveMQ as unix service.

Basic requirements: java, php, mysql.

So lets starts with installation steps:

Step 1: Apache ActiveMQ installation

I am installing ActiveMQ in /usr/share/php directory.

cd /usr/share/php
wget http://mirror.its.uidaho.edu/pub/apache/activemq/apache-activemq/5.3.0/apache-activemq-5.3.0-bin.tar.gz
tar zxvf apache-activemq-5.3.0-bin.tar.gz
mv apache-activemq-5.3.0 activemq

We have renamed the directory to “activemq” for ease.


Step 2: Run Apache ActiveMq


Don’t close this terminal, open a new terminal for running below commands


Step3: Check running status of ActiveMq

netstat -an|grep 61616
ps -ef|grep activemq

ps command will show the process id (PID) of running ActiveMQ


Step4: ActiveMQ Web Admin interface


Here you can monitor your current status of queues, topics, connections etc. You can also browse,
delete, add data according to requirement.


Step5: Stop Apache AcitveMQ

  kill -9 [PID]

where [PID] is the process id of the ActiveMQ process. Take it from ps command


Step6: ActiveMQ admin command

ActiveMQ is taking configuration details via simple xml (default:activemq.xml) file located in conf directory.

   vi activemq/conf/activemq.xml

Make a small change in activemq.xml and your activemq-admin command will start working
Change the default createConnector=”false” to createConnector=”true” like below:


Now you can use below command for starting Apache ActiveMQ, stopping it and listing the connected brokers.

   activemq/bin/activemq-admin start
   activemq/bin/activemq-admin stop
   activemq/bin/activemq-admin list

Step7: Configure STOMP transport connector, so that your PHP application can communicate with ActiveMQ

   vi activemq/conf/activemq.xml

The default transport connector is openwire for native connectivity to Java and it will be available at tcp port 61616.

Change below code:




Step8: Data Persistence with MySql

Download latest MySQL Java Connector (mysql-connector-java-5.0.6-bin.jar) from MySql website.
Copy the file into “activemq/lib/optional” folder

Launch the MySQL command line program and create a database for ActiveMQ

mysql> create database activemq;
vi activemq/conf/activemq.xml

The default persistence adapter is kahaDB which is fast but not very reliable. You can test it according to your condition or give MySql a change and take the better one.

Change below code:




Start the ActiveMQ and check the MySql

mysql> use activemq; show tables;
Database changed
| Tables_in_activemq |
| activemq_msgs      |

Your MySql data persistence is working fine.


Step9. Installing PHP STOMP client

pecl install stomp-beta

It will generate a stomp.so in /usr/lib/php/modules/ directory. Open /etc/php.ini and load the extension like below


Restart httpd service like below:

service httpd restart

Step10. PHP message queue producer and consumer code

Now you have to make two php sample files, one for producting messages in queue and other for consuming those messages.


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