10 Tips for Marketing Your Services Even If You HATE To Sell!

If you are like most service providers, you not only hate the idea of selling, but you’re suspicious of all forms of marketing. You don’t want to become the stereotypical ‘used car salesman.’ The fact is, if you want a steady stream of clients and customers, you must do some form of marketing and advertising, or you will soon find yourself with no business! Luckily, there are ways in which to market your services business that is professional, enjoyable and gets results!

Marketing is about establishing long term relationships, more than it is about what you have to offer. Here are 10 tips on how to grow your business by marketing in a fun and ethical way.


Make a list of your last 5 clients: Make a list of your last 5 clients and where they came from; were they referrals? From newspaper ads? From the internet? It’s all about continuing to do what works and sticking with it.


Educate people: If you’re a realtor or mortgage broker, why not conduct a seminar for first time buyers, or how to buy an investment property? If you’re a chiropractor, why not write a weekly column in your local newspaper? The possibilities are endless here, and can be quite effective at getting your name and brand known.


Join a Networking Group: Or two, or three. There are various groups that meet weekly or monthly and can get you in front of other like-minded people; yes they have products and services that they are selling too, but they can be a goldmine for referrals.


Stay in touch with your past clients: Write monthly newsletters about what’s been going on in your business and send them to your past clients. The next time they need your services, they will think of you first.


Have a Website and online presence: A website isn’t good enough anymore; you have to make sure that you are at the top of the search engines so people can find you. Create a blog, and be sure to use social media techniques.


Submit a Press Release: This is a great way to get free publicity; hire a publicist to write it for you and submit it to all of your local media outlets.  


Pick up that telephone: Once a month, call your past clients, even if it’s just to say hello. It doesn’t need to be an hour long conversation but you need to stay in their minds. Who knows? They may be having a bad day, and your call could be just what they need to perk them up!


Volunteer in Your Community: Not only will you be doing a great thing for your soul, you’ll be getting your name and face known throughout your local area.


“Pop by” with a small gift:  This is especially effective throughout the holiday season; visit your past and current clients and give them a small gift.


Don’t be afraid to tell people what you do: There is no shame in telling others what you do and what you have to offer.

About Author

Zienna Miller has much respect for those who can sell because she simply cannot. So instead, she buys and that’s what she’s done recently when she bought a miniature piggy from http://buyteacuppigs.net.

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